Wunderful apps for productivity

Wunderful apps for productivity thumbnail image

Account managers have a reputation for being highly organised and juggling multiple projects at a time.  I’m one of those people that can’t do that without some form of to-do list. Over the past 15 years I have had varying ways of writing this list and then prioritising the tasks within it.  Fed up of […]

The Rise of the Vlogger: Saying everything and nothing at all!

The Rise of the Vlogger: Saying everything and nothing at all! thumbnail image

You may have noticed over the past few years the emergence of a new and very unsettling form of fame, The YouTube star! Who the hell are they, and why do we care? They call themselves Vloggers (video bloggers) or YouTubers and they have built a career on posting various lifestyle based videos ranging from […]

How would we do an anti ‘legal highs’ campaign?

How would we do an anti ‘legal highs’ campaign? thumbnail image

There has been a lot of talk on Radio One today concerning the laws surrounding ‘legal highs’, so we thought we’d take five minutes out of our day to scamp up a quick idea for a campaign for the Angelus Foundation – who work to address the problems and misconceptions related to the dangers of […]